Fives step to your success in internet marketing
Today Internet marketing is a perspective process of establishing and maintaining profitable relations with clients by means of online activities with the purpose of simplification of exchange of ideas, products and services, which meets the needs of both parties.
There are five steps to your success in Internet marketing.
1. At the first step you, should determine the role of a site in a corporate strategy. It is necessary to understand exactly which parts of your business demand the support of Internet marketing.
2. Analysis of opportunities is the second step of the process. Here we carry out the analysis of market opportunities and elaborate the initial general concept of the site. The analysis of opportunities allows decreasing the risk of wrong strategic decisions made by management. Data gathering for the analysis demands careful study of all available information and internal information of the company.
The simple six-step scheme will help you to facilitate your work:
- search of opportunities;
- identification of unsatisfied needs;
- identification of target segments;
- estimation of an opportunity of creating the advantages on the basis of the resources your company has at its disposal;
- estimation of the competitive, technological and financial appeal of the revealed opportunities;
- management decision making.
3. Marketing strategy statement. Here we should formulate the marketing strategy precisely. The formulated problem is the solved problem
4. Consumer study. A company should study the readiness of would-be customers, namely their knowledge and willingness to use facilities given by the company. Consumer study is the bridge between marketing strategy (stage 3) and tactics (stage 5).
5. Marketing plan. Stages I-IV are finished when management strategy is clearly stated. Now we can understand precisely whether we need Internet marketing or not. Moreover, now the target groups of consumers and their attitude to the company are defined because of our research. During stage V, the company uses specific levers to shift the would-be customers from knowing of the company (its products, services) to being loyal to it.
Good luck everbody!!!
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